Certifications & Accreditation
Certifications & Accreditations even though used interchangeably as business terms specifically are used for defining or publicly attesting the quality standards that the product, process, or the business unit/entity follows in their practice.
Our Strengths
With our varied experience in handling standardization of processes in all major sectors, we are able to provide guidance to businesses in order to achieve accreditations as well as certifications as may be required from time to time, whether as part of governmental policies or customer requirements.
What We Do
We are constantly in touch with our clients to improvise and advising them on updating on the certifications of their products & processes
as well as accreditations of their facilities so as to meet the national as well international standards in all fields of operations.
We strongly believe that Process & product performance can be improved upon by focusing on:
ISO Standards
ISO 9001 quality management system implementation with the consultants and experts of Perception Management Consulting Pvt. Ltd. not only assures 100% successful ISO 9001 certification but also improves process performance and business operations. | Our ISO 9001 certificate consultation services include awareness training, quality policy - objectives workshop, gap analysis, documentation design including manuals, procedures, work instructions, formats etc., implementation assistance & training, internal auditor training, lead auditor training, assistance in conducting internal audit, pre-assessment audit and everything required to ensure a 100% successful ISO 9001 certification audit within scheduled project completion time period. |
National & International Accreditation
Accreditation is a certificate or recognition provided to an enterprise, a hospital, an educational institute or any recognized business or government entity, based on the certain standards that the entity has achieved as a part of this certification process. This can be carried based on meeting any national or international standards as maybe applicable to the entity. | We provide guidance to our clients in fields of healthcare, education, food and beverages for getting accreditations as per international or national standards for their business establishments whether as part of business requirement or as part of enhancement of their reputation. We have expertise in accreditation programs like ISO 17025, ISO 15189, NAAC, NABH, CAP to name few. |
Product Standard Certifications
In order to provide products to meet the quality, safety and reliability norms as specified by the certification body, a business would have to undergo a product certification process. This gives, to the users of these products, an assurance of conformity to specifications. | We provide to our clients in healthcare, manufacturing, food and beverages sectors, to name a few, guidance and provide pathway to our clients to attain standard compliance and certifications for their wide variety of products for better marketability in national and international marketplace. We have expertise in CE Marking, API, PED, AD Merkblat to name few. |
Industry Best Practices (GMPs)
Industry Best Practices are simply a set of instructions, which become a norm and are the most efficient and effective easy of handling a business process thru which an outcome may be achieved. It is replicable. It is industry specific. | Replication of best business practices which have been effective in achieving considerable success in business for similar organizations where we have implemented standardization techniques or under taken business process improvement exercises. This has been the forte of our expertise. We have expertise in developing GMPs, GLPs, Malcolm Baldridge Quality Award practices and other industry specific best practices. |
Management Assurance Program (MAP)
Management Assurance Program is a flagship product of PMC, developed in house for organizations that have their standardization, accreditations and certifications in place. It allows the organizations to revisit the management systems, that have been standardized and MAP provides checks for controlling any deviation. | We visit majority of our clients who have gone through the application process for certifications and accreditations, with us, after a fixed period of time, to work on audits and compliance check for the internal processes and systems for which the certifications have been obtained. In addition to this we also suggest such exercise to our non-customers who have been certified by other sources, in order to ensure continual compliance of standards for which certifications have been achieved. |