Green Building Initiatives abhisheq.bhagria June 21, 2022

Green Buildings


Our Strengths

What We Do

Green building is method of creating structures and using steps that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from design, construction, operation, maintenance, and renovation.These have encouraged the creation of green building standards, certifications, and rating systems. The objective is to mitigate the impact of buildings on the natural environment with proper design. Green Rating is a green building design evaluation system where buildings are rated in a three-tier process. There isgreen building certification program, specifically focused on single-family and multi-family residential buildings, remodeling projects, and land developments.
  1. Education and training for green building rating programs.
  2. We focus on green product standards.
  3. Our team of experts is well versed in standards, rating, and certification programs for green building programs.
  4. While work for green building we strongly monitor components (materials, energy, water and health) of Green Building to make project more sustainable.
  5. We conduct feasibility study & assessment for Green Buildings

GRIHA, or Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, is the national rating system of India for any completed construction. It is an assessment tool to measure and rate a building’s environmental performance.
  1. We help client with education and training to become a GRIHA Certified Professional
  2. Our team of experts help you to understand examination structure
  3. We have a team of professionals from diverse fields, who are equipped with GRIHA rating system, will help you to understand importance of GRIHA-certification-program.
  4. We have a foundation course specific to building construction and building physics before client attempt for GRIHA-certification-program as candidate must be well versed with fundamental science and building construction.
  5. We have a facility of virtual as well as direct trainings for GRIHA-certification.

Tackling the emissions problem from the building sector, for example through green social housing, can create jobs, save money and most importantly, shape a built environment that has a net positive environmental influence. Investing in achieving such results in the social housing sector has the potential to boost the local economy and improve living conditions, particularly for low-income communities. Green building, or sustainable design, is the practice of increasing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use energy, water and materials, and of reducing impacts on human health and the environment for the entire lifecycle of a building.
  1. We promote concept of Green Buildings towards becoming environmentally responsible and resource-efficient.
  2. We conduct the programs for Green Building Public Awareness Strategies.
  3. We do assessment for Green Building Ratingsystem
  4. We deliver education and promotion of ecological responsibility at a micro level through green design.
  5. We specialize in conducting awareness programs on various concepts of Green Building.

LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a certification program focused primarily on new, commercial-building projects and based upon a points system. The more points you earn, the higher your rating. LEED is an independent certification program and it is the internationally accepted reference point for high performance construction, design, and operation in sustainable buildings, developed in the year 2000 by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED follows a points system in which construction projects obtain LEED points by satisfying specific sustainable construction standards. On each of the LEED credit categories, projects must satisfy determined requirements to acquire points.
  1. We help you to register, apply, review, and certify (RARC) in LEED certification program
  2. Our training programs consist of all four LEED certification Platinum, Gold, Silver and Certified.
  3. Our team of experts works on independent verification of buildings.
  4. We have a dedicated team for implementing certification program on LEED rating systems.
  5. Our team of experts hascomprehensive and thorough knowledge for New Alternative Compliance Paths for International LEED Projects.

Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Green Homes is the first rating programme developed in India, exclusively for the residential sector. It is based on accepted energy and environmental principles and strikes a balance between known established practices and emerging concepts established by Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).
  1. We conduct various training for IGBC certification.
  2. Our team of experts works on project documentation required for IGBC certification.
  3. We guide our clients to register for Pre-certification process.
    • Our experts guide clients for following rating systems and help them achieve following Ratings:
    1. IGBC Green New Buildings
    2. IGBC Green Existing Buildings
    3. IGBC Green Homes
    4. IGBC Green Schools
    5. IGBC Green Factory Building
    6. IGBC Green Townships
    7. IGBC Green SEZs