Growth Strategy abhisheq.bhagria June 5, 2022

Business Growth Strategy


Business growth is not an option – it’s a necessity. To grow your business in any economy requires the right strategy in the right market at the right time. When a “match” is accomplished, high growth happens. Companies grow by driving their core business to full potential and pursuing adjacencies that strengthen the core.

Our Strengths

We understand that to grow successfully, a company must first properly define and focus on its “profitable core.” To that end, our overall core growth strategy approach helps senior managers locate and expand the strongest assets of their businesses.

What We Do

We help companies focus on growth in terms of revenue, cash flow and shareholder value —
all of which are needed for sustainable, profitable performance by focusing on:

A business growth strategy starts with market insights. While research firms and strategic marketing consultants can bring these insights to bear on an ad-hoc basis, companies committed to growth will develop systems and processes to ensure a continuous flow of market insights into their business.

Growth Strategy covers following activities and we manage this at client end thru stepwise process as defined below:

  1. Understand: what is important to the organizational management. Establish business goals that will impact on priorities going forward.
  2. Analyze: Conduct research and identify where key operational and performance gaps exist. Investigate the attitudes of customers and staff. Establish important issues and areas for improvement.
  3. Plan: Develop business strategies and plans that ensure everyone on the team understands the direction of the business. The plans will focus on achieving business objectives by breaking down key strategies into manageable tasks. From this create a Business Plan for the next 12 months with actions, responsibilities and timelines.
  4. Execute: This step is about the implementation of the strategies and plans that were created during the planning phase. Hold regular Senior Board meetings to secure the engagement of key management personnel, to ensure corporate governance and the appropriate implementation of the future plan.
  5. Track: Track performance of the business against other similar businesses on a monthly or quarterly basis to provide quantitative feedback on financial and business performance metrics. This process measures the results to make relevant strategic or operational changes.
  6. Evaluate: Evaluate outcomes on a periodic basis and refresh/repeat any of the above steps from that may be necessary to proactively manage key issues.

Marketing focuses on the activities associated with the promotion and distribution of products and services. Marketing is about spending money. It’s how brands accumulate value. Marketing is the means. Marketing Management is a business discipline that focuses on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of a firm’s marketing resources and activities. Globalization has led firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making international marketing highly significant and an integral part of a firm’s marketing strategy While assisting our clients in developing a Marketing strategy, we guide the various Senior marketing managers in the organization to rejig the existing product/services mix, market segmentation, product positioning, creating value proposition and finally implementing the marketing decisions and defining marketing control processes. Some organizations we have provided identification and vendor management as a part of marketing strategy management.


Financial restructuring is the process of reshuffling or reorganizing the financial structure, which primarily comprises of equity capital and debt capital. Financial restructuring can be done because of either compulsion or as part of the financial strategy of the company. A financing strategy is integral to an organization’s strategic plan. It sets out how the organization plans to finance its overall operations to meet its objectives now and in the future. Strategic financial management is the study of finance with a long-term view considering the strategic goals of the enterprise.
  • We help business owners with services of Financial Restructuring for their organization by means of reorganizing the financial structure
  • We provide services for creating CMA data, helping entrepreneurs for Project Loans, Term Loans and Working Capital Limits.
  • Study and assessment of debt-equity ratio guiding entrepreneurs for maximum acceptable debt to equity ratio.
  • We provide a service for assessment of financial ratios. These financial ratios help entrepreneurs and business owners to analyze the profitability, liquidity, expected risks andlong-term financial stability.
  • Training and assessment programs for under-performing businesses facing problems with finance due to short-term absence of business or less business.