Safety Performance Programs & Safety Audits abhisheq.bhagria June 21, 2022

Safety Performance Programs Safety Audits


Our Strengths

What We Do

PMC’s Safety Programs include:

Organizations conduct safety audits to comply with laws or regulations and to provide a safe workplace for everyone. A safety audit identifies different levels of risk in each work area of an organization. Research safety conditions that should exist in each work area.Safety Assessment or Audit is a management tool comprising of a systematic, periodic and objective evaluation of plant, personnel and processes to judge how well the safety organization, management and equipment are performing, with the aim to safeguard human lives, company assets by facilitating management control of health & safety practices and assessing compliance with established standards & legal requirements.
  1. Safety assessment and audit services
  2. Training and assessment programs on occupational health and safety management system.
  3. Our team of audit identifies the areas of strength & weakness and provides a structured approach to continual improvement.
  4. Our quantified safety assessments are used by organizations to benchmark their safety management system
  5. Services for legal requirements in industry based on the safety.

The main goal of safety and health programs is to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths, as well as the suffering and financial hardship these events can cause for workers, their families, and employers. Industrial safety refers to the management of all operations and events within an industry. The recommended practices use a proactive approach to managing workplace safety and health.
  1. Programs, trainings and certifications on industrial safety.
  2. Services and training on work place safety training.
  3. Special guideline programs on safety and health in industry specially designed to help employers, employee.
  4. Training and services on different types of industrial safety system.
  5. Worksite assessment and analysis for industrial safety.

Logistics safety programs are designed to facilitate the safe management and movement of people, goods, information and other resources between a specific point of origin and its final destination. The logistics safety help clients to identify new risks and support the resulting management of change issues
  1. We Provide services for providing a safe work environment.
  2. On-site safety audits are conducted through multiple levels to identify and correct potential risks/hazards within the facilities.
  3. Training and assessment of Employees, Supervisors, and Managers for Logistics Safety
  4. Inspection of workplace by the team of experts for logistics safety.
  5. We conduct programs on Management Commitment and Employee Involvement.

Traffic Safety Program is committed to educating individuals on defensive driving best practices to help prevent injuries and potentially save lives. Our program is based on an effective, proven curriculum Road traffic safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured.Traffic safety course education plays an important role in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of children and young people.
  1. We conduct the program for accident prevention and control by education and training.
  2. We provide the services for training and awareness program on road safety rules.
  3. Services on assessment and analytical study on traffic congestion.
  4. Services of various traffic flow models and traffic signals.
  5. Services for analysis of a transportation system supported by data collection.

Safety audit is a general term used to describe an activity where a facility gathers information about one or more aspects of the workplace in order to evaluate the risk levels for health or safety issues. A workplace inspection is a planned walkthrough of a workplace or selected areas or locations of a workplace. A schedule of planned inspections is an essential element of a health and safety program in which standards are established and compliance monitored.
  1. We provide the services for safety audits for all types of industry.
  2. Services for safety inspection of workplace before safety audit.
  3. Training and awareness program on occupational hazards.
  4. Services for preparing inspection checklist of safety walkthrough for various industry.
  5. Certification program on safety audits.