Skill abhisheq.bhagria June 5, 2022



Skill is the learned or intrinsic ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. In other words the abilities that one may possess.

Skills development is training and development that is provided to people in order to enhance the existing skills of a manpower group or development of new skills that the employer provides to his employees in the workplace.

Our Strengths

Our decade old experience in helping India‘s leading corporate houses, education centers, leading industry associations and MSME sector has given tremendous insight to understand business processes, defining clear cut strategies, develop operational plans and building best skill development practices.

Transforming our knowledge into our skill development programs, we customize, design & develop our modules for best outcomes through our technical, nontechnical, behavioral, creativity workshops & programs leading to a competent mind handling complexities of industry. This is through our fast track, flexible learning solutions for people short on time through adoption of Interactive Learning Techniques. We also develop for our trainees group cohesion & dynamics while contributing to enhancement of personal growth & confidence

What We Do

  1. Skill Assessment Tools
  2. Corporate & SME Skill Development
  3. National Skill Development Initiatives
About Me
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Colene Landin

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