Supplier Development abhisheq.bhagria June 7, 2022

Supplier Partnership Excellence


Supplier development is related to supplier relationship management and it is a process of working with certain suppliers on a one-to-one basis to improve their performance for the benefit of the buying organization. Supplier development programs need to be a major focus of organization who manufacture products and have a supply base as they lead to better business relationships with suppliers and improve communication, quality, and timing as a result.

Our Strengths

What We Do

Sourcing is the first part of supply chain process and it is a process of selecting suppliers that provide goods or services. Sourcing is also known as procurement; it is the practice of locating and selecting businesses or individuals based on set criteria. Sourcing is carried out in business in many different areas and for different reasons. One of the most common uses of sourcing is in supply chain management.
  1. Our team of experts help clients both OEMs and Tier-I companies to understand exact requirement of suppliers and devise industry specific supplier sourcing strategies with the help of industry experts to create more demand for supplier sourcing.
  2. Our consulting engagement for supplier sourcing makes sure that our clients meet objective of their business for a sustainable sourcing at most competitive pricing.
  3. Our team of expert follows step-wise approach to find out exact supplier for your requirement and follow project management processes to avoid any pitfalls in the process of procurement.
  4. Our focus is to provide supplier with proper costing and increased visibility for the business.
  5. We do concentrate on value added services, which our clients get during supplier souring process established by our team of professionals.

Supplier evaluation and supplier appraisal are terms used in business and refer to the process of evaluating and approving potential suppliers by quantitative and qualitative assessments. The objective of this process is to ensure a bestsupplier is available for use.Supplier audits are typically conducted on behalf of their customersin order to check and verify compliance of a supplier’s work, products and processes for continuing supplies of high quality, at most competitive price and prompt deliveries.
  1. We are experienced and well known in industry for conducting various audits like Process compliance audit, OEM audits of their suppliers, Operational audit, HR audit, Quality audit, Internal audit etc.
  2. Our teamof consultants conducts planned audits toverify compliance with the standards, protocols and industry best practices. We also design audit checklists for conducting customized audits cutting across industry segments.
  3. We share output of each step of audit with client immediately for increasing user confidence for business processes and to reduces risk,
  4. We identify compliance gaps and help them to take proper correction and corrective action to avoid reoccurrence.
  5. We do take care of our clients by processing systematic and independent audits leading to complete client satisfaction for overall business improvement.

It is related to supplier relationship management and is the process of working with suppliers on a one-to-one basis to improve performance for the benefit of the organization. Supplier development programs need to be animportant and major focus of organizations, which are into manufacturing space and have a supply base. Good supplier and company relationships will lead to a good communication, quality, and better turnaround time as anend result.
  1. We advise and work for supplier relationship managementas per client’s requirements to improve the overall business performance.
  2. In our development program, we present opportunities (contract or partnership together) for suppliers to work together for the benefit of the business.
  3. We do have an access to more supplier channels and sources, which allows us to give suppliers an opportunity to collaborate.
  4. We create a stronger and more sustainable business partnerships, which improves customer satisfaction.
  5. We involve client’s organization (including procurement department) encouraging suppliers, which leads to best results in business.

The important objective of Cluster Interventions is to enhance the productivity and competitiveness through capacity building of the entrepreneurs and their businesses. Bridging the technological and operational gaps and thus reducing the cost of production, improving quality of the products and worldwide benchmarking of the quality parameters, are the major value additions over multiple challenges in this space.
Industry clusters are groups of similar, related or homogenous companies in a defined geographic area that share common markets, technologies, worker skill needs, and which are often linked by buyer-seller relationships.
  1. We do manage andcreate a plan for the suppliers to join cluster programmes and intervene in different clusters leading to business improvement.
  2. We do strong monitoring of overall work done by the suppliersthrough project management approach during such interventions with the help of qualified professionals.
  3. We do take care that only those specific suppliers, who are willing to take part of such cluster programmesshould participate, which reduces the risk.
  4. We developclusters in such a way that it provides an efficient means to obtain important inputs for overall industry development.
  5. We engage with each cluster participating member with an individual approach and ensure each company is given one-to-one attention for their individual development and growth.

A service-level agreement (SLA) defines the level of service you expect from a supplier or a vendor, laying out the metrics by which service is measured, as well as penalties should agree-on service levels if not be achieved.A service-level agreement (SLA) is defined as an official commitment that prevails between a supplier and a client. The most common component of SLA is the services should be provided to the customer as agreed upon in the contract.
  1. Our team of experts helps in preparing SLAs based on the agreed terms and condition of customer and supplier.
  2. We provide a service to add new change or amendment in SLA by proper project management process.
  3. We understand the requirement from both ends i.e. Customer and Supplier and study it properly before we go for final drafting.
  4. Our interventions in business for SLA has given a proven result to run the flawless Business
  5. Our engagement goes beyond establishing legally tenable SLA and help clients to redefine their terms and conditions with changing times to ensure SLA is relevant and producing maximum ROI.