Growth and Turnaround Strategy Management abhisheq.bhagria June 5, 2022

Growth and Turnaround Strategy Management


A business growth strategy starts with market insights. While research firms and strategic marketing consultants can bring these insights to bear on an ad-hoc basis, companies committed to growth will develop systems and processes to ensure a continuous flow of market insights into their business.

What We Do

Growth Strategy covers following activities and we manage this at client end thru stepwise process as defined below:

  1. Understand: what is important to the organizational management. Establish business goals that will impact on priorities going forward.
  2. Analyze: Conduct research and identify where key operational and performance gaps exist. Investigate the attitudes of customers and staff. Establish important issues and areas for improvement.
  3. Plan: Develop business strategies and plans that ensure everyone on the team understands the direction of the business. The plans will focus on achieving business objectives by breaking down key strategies into manageable tasks. From this create a Business Plan for the next 12 months with actions, responsibilities and timelines.
  4. Execute: This step is about the implementation of the strategies and plans that were created during the planning phase. Hold regular Senior Board meetings to secure the engagement of key management personnel, to ensure corporate governance and the appropriate implementation of the future plan.
  5. Track: Track performance of the business against other similar businesses on a monthly or quarterly basis to provide quantitative feedback on financial and business performance metrics. This process measures the results to make relevant strategic or operational changes.
  6. Evaluate: Evaluate outcomes on a periodic basis and refresh/repeat any of the above steps from that may be necessary to proactively manage key issues.
About Me
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Colene Landin

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